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Moulin Sur Mer
Stay & Dive Packages
Looking for holidays where you can relax and go diving in Haiti? Take a break from the daily grind and come spend a relaxing weekend with Marina Blue Haiti along the Cote des Arcadins and surrounding areas!  Arrive Saturday to either lounge on the beach, go on a land excursion, or go on a night shore dive and, after dinner, stay overnight in one of Moulin sur Mer Beach Resort comfortable and air-conditioned Gingerbread rooms. Wake up refreshed and enjoy a sumptuous buffet breakfast followed by a two-tank boat dive to one of the dive sites in the area. Click on the link below to learn more about our Hibiscus and Ginger rooms.
Moulin Sur Mer Beach Resort Room Types
USD $195  (includes room, lunch/dinner on Saturday, breakfast and one of the two tank dives on Sunday) * based in double occupancy. For single price please see below.  
With weekend stay & dive package, the supplemental cost of a night dive is  USD $70.

For questions, contact us at:

Tel: (509) 2811-4043 - Cell: (509) 2814-3642

Moulin Sur Mer
diving in Haiti

Discover Haiti Above & Below

Marina Blue Haiti- Boating, Excursions and diving in Haiti

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